25 August 2008

last week was hectic and shit for reals

For reals! Last week I was on fire in terms of acquiring money. I managed to take on a research project with someone for money so that made me happy to know I'd have my next loan payment. Mid-week I found an ad on CraigsList asking for people to participate in a driving simulator research study. They said they would pay $100 cash for approximately 1.5hrs. Sounded like easy money, and easy it was. I got called and went in on Friday and was out $100 richer. I had an interview at Pinkberry of all god awful places. The interview was crap and I didn't want to work there anyway. Besides, I had an interview the next day at Bloomingdales and I had high hopes for getting a job there since I had history with Macys.

Long story short, I stay at Bloomingdales for 2hours and walk out with a new job. Yay! It's a step up from Macys and it's going to be something new and I'm excited to take it on. Bring it. Tomorrow I go in to fill out more paperwork of sorts.

Friday night, me and urban hippie went to see Donna Summer. She certainly dimmed all the lights and we all danced that last dance for love. It was great and we were clearly loving it because we were told we were being too loud. Woops.

Saturday we got up at 4:30am because I had to drive to San Luis Obispo to attend a mandatory first meeting for one of my library classes at Cuesta. It was about a 3 hour or so drive and it was nice since I hadn't driven up the 101 in a long time. It was also nice to have mizz P with me so I wouldn't fall asleep at the wheel (we both only slept 3 hrs). Extra credit points for you there Patty Cakes hahaha!

Upon our return the Sunset Junction Street Fair was in full force. I'll get around to writing another entry about Sunset Junction and my real feelings towards the street fair. The street fair was a good idea that has since been ruined by douche bag elitists. Anyway, I'll save that for later. The only good thing that came out of Sunset Junction were all the bottles and cans that I found in the trash cans. Right now, I gotta get to uploading some pics of the summer.

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