29 August 2008

contact from the other side

Yesterday I woke up remembering the craziest dream I had had. I dreamt of my friend Nick. Nick took his life last year in October and it was all just very confusing and we'll never know why. Anyway he was in my dream and we were hanging out but he seemed anxious, nervous, kinda scared and I remember him saying something along the lines of going somewhere. All I remember is being friendly to him, kind of consoling in nature. I hugged him and gave him kisses and just hung out. I remember his head was shaved but he had all these marks over his head kinda like scabs (killed himself, gun to the head). There wasn't much else about it other than that and I shortly woke up afterwards. I don't know much about spirits and the dead and such but this tripped me out. I know it's nothing bad and it's probably a good sign. It was just one of those things that makes the hair stand up on your arms and gives you goosebumps. If you think that is trippy it gets trippier. Later on in the day I realized that the date was the 28th. Nick died 10 months ago, in the morning, exactly yesterday. Now, if that is not some sort of sign from Nick or whatever than I don't know what it was. A strange coincidence? Perhaps. But, I think it was more than that.

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