27 August 2008

Bow down to me

I'm well versed with Italian culture just because I have some strong ties to the country. Italians tend to be a very religious bunch. Sure, there are many non-believers but they're still really big on religious holidays especially for patron saints and such. Anyway, most Italian people have names that are typically found in the Bible or variations of biblical names. Usually each saint has their own special day where you celebrate their life, go to church or whatever. In Italy, at least were my family is from, Sicily, when your saint day comes around you get well wishes and maybe you'll get your favorite food at dinner. Today happens to be my saint's day. Yes, St. Urban Pirate. It is also my grandma's birthday. In true Italian fashion, I unexpectedly was the recipient of a "gift" and fittingly enough I got it today. It pays to have my name, at least today, literally...on the real... fo shiz

In other news, I'll be starting work soon. Yay! I finished my online traffic school. I failed the final three times before I finally got an 80%. Stupid shit and a waste of my life. I'll also be moving on up to larger living quarters with in the house..yay! I'm excited to once again have a half bathroom. There's something great about having your own toilet, especially so close to you. This will only mean that I will take even longer to emerge from my room in the morning. It appears that things might be looking up again for 2008. The summer is/was a drag so hopefully this new job won't suck as much as the last one and hopefully my living situation will be more comfy for me.

Fingers crossed...

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