14 November 2008

prop 8

Proposition 8 is such horseshit. For anyone that happens to read this and is not from California, and/or has been living under a rock, Prop 8 pretty much bans gay marriage. Whether you love or hate the gays, everyone should be able to get married. Everyone is entitled to the same misery as all the other people married and bitter. Since Prop 8 passed, meaning the ban was reinstated, there have been protests galore up and down California and now it's spread nationwide. This Saturday there are supposed to be protests across the country about the marriage ban. There have been protests in Los Angeles almost everyday since the election. Last Saturday, one of the protests happened to be in front of my house, for reals. Being the fair person I am, I feel anyone should be able to marry so I checked it out. There were THOUSANDS of people and it was pretty organized and put together. It did not get out of hand at all and it was civil. Anywho, I hope this shit goes to the Supreme Court and everyone gets the right to marry and live miserably everafter yay!

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