19 August 2008

news of the weak...er week, so far

here are some news stories worth looking at...just because I said so.

Forever 21 development on South Central Farm site is protested

Of course they protested. You bulldoze an urban farm that so many people used to cultivate and grow awesome things and you come along wanting to put a fucking FOREVER 21 development on the land? for reals? I'd be out there with molotov cocktails for that shit. Talk about adding insult to injury..fucking politics..everything's political. Fuck Villaraigosa, he's just like the rest of them. You
get all into them being elected into office and all they do is disappoint. Makes me sick.

L.A. could learn a thing or two from Portland

If you know me, I'm not a fan of Los Angeles. I can't explain why really, it's just one of those things. I love San Francisco and in the past few years I've developed this intense love for Portland. Prior to June I had never been but I finally made the trip and fell in love even more. I'm sure I'll get around to moving there next year or whenever. Anyway, they have many awesome things and one of them is their public transportation system. Their public transit system has wowed and amazed many and has served as a the basis for many other cities' public transportation planning. I'm not sure where I'm going with this other than to reiterate my decision to want to move and why I think Portland is cooler than LA.

No sandcastles please, you're in Italy

I had to throw this in because Italians are ridiculous. I love Italy but sometimes they just have crazy ideas and in this case, crazy by-laws. It's a short article and worth reading for the hilarity of it all. All I have to say is, thank god I never went to Eboli or I'd be in debt to the Euro at least 4 times over. teeeeeeeeee heee heee

17 August 2008

like a fly caught in a web

I feel stuck. I hate feeling stuck. I'm unemployed and in quite an interesting living situation. I wish I could just get some shit rolling so I can feel like I'm living life again instead of just being stuck. I shouldn't have spent this summer doing nothing. I had big plans and they didn't come to fruition and I'm like argh! I want to move. I want to move. I want to move. I want to move. I just feel like my time here is done. It's time to move elsewhere and do new things. Los Angeles just doesn't feel like the right fit. It never has! I just feel like I'm in some constant limbo living here. One day I'll finally do it. Just get up and go, move. New city, new job, new housing...new life. That sounds grand. I wish the moment would come sooner rather than later.